music guy
frog man

Just some dude on the internet @TeraVex

Age 27, Male

Joined on 8/13/13

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TeraVex's News

Posted by TeraVex - April 1st, 2017

Happy April Fools Day Everybody!

I didn't think of a joke because I didn't have time to think of one. 

Do not worry though because I did have time to release a new song! 

It's called flirtatious, and boy does the name make no sense because it has nothing to do with the song... Found the joke! Anyway, I've been super busy and I finally got around with finishing this short edit of the song and now I'm on to completing the entire thing! Yeh. Giveaway winners will be posted tomorrow so that's fun! I'm also debating on making a new channel since the monetization on my current one is dead but I'll think about it more. I hope all of you are doing well! I really don't have much to write about this week, it was rather normal in terms of events which makes for a boring blog post so I'm sorry :((

Soooo yeah! Hope you all are well!




Posted by TeraVex - March 25th, 2017

Hello! Sorry I kept you waitin!

I've been bussssssssssssyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy with all this school stuff and I've been really good mentally. I've been playing trumpet in the studio for various projects and it's been quite exciting! I want to incorporate trumpet in my stuff but I'm unsure how to without a complete genre change. That being said, I'm kinda getting tired of techno.. well making it at least. I'm gaining a very large interest in arranging and making stuff on sheet music *gasp*

I know, I know. It's crazy, but there are things I've been doing on there arranging side! For example, I'm in the middle of creating a Trumpet Solo arrangement of the Legend of Zelda theme with a few other songs added in from the series. Here's a lil look at what I have done! Should I post it here when it's done so those who play Bb instruments can play it? I can do some transposin if needed too to make some different versions for other instruments... Lemme know!


Anyways, how are you guys doing? I hope you all are doing very well! My album amethyst is on sale for $2 on bandcamp right now until sunday when I announce the winners of the giveaway contest which is exciting!! You can find that using the bandcamp link under my contact information! That's about it for this week.. sooo yeah!

Hope you all are doing well!

Posted by TeraVex - March 17th, 2017


Sooo as you can see from the title.. my youtube is kinda... dead. 

Well, sort of. 

As of last week, I will no longer get ad revenue from my account due to people clicking the ads too many times. I disabled them for a bit to see if I could get them to stop and after 3 weeks of having them disabled I re-enabled them to see if the problem had stopped. I didn't.

Now I'm stuck with no income while at school so now I'm on the job hunt, which is why I havem't been posting much. I've been overwelmed with school and looking for jobs and I don't have time to do this. It really sucks and I'm sorry. Other than that, life's been alright, really not much to talk about, I've just kinda been working my butt off. 

Soooo yeah! That's about it. Hope you all are doing well! Contest winners will be posted Sunday and about the youtube channel, I'm not sure what I will do yet. I am conflicted because I put so much work into it. 

Hope you all are doing well! 


Posted by TeraVex - March 9th, 2017

Hello! Wow I got to ten of these!

I'm suuupper busy so I'm sorry for being dead and stuff! 

I have a week off this week but I've been working my tail off gigging musicals with my Trumpet. It's some fun stuff! 

I've been working on some projects, as well as my first Logic Pro song and some more FL Techno beets. 

How are you all doing? I'm doing better, I've started to go on a anti sugar/sweetener diet and it's been... interesting. I've primarily been drinking unsweetened teas and water and stayed away from sodas and stuff like that despite my love for them.. It'll all be good! Any of you like tea? If so, what's your favorite? Mine would probably be... Well, it depends on the day. Today I'm drinking Green Tea, so that's my answer for today! In other news, my giveaway has ended and I will be announcing winners for that next week, so stay tuned! 

I've been active more on the social medias, so if you're interested, you should definately follow me there! Here's some links:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeraVex

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeraVexMUSIC/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teravex_/?hl=en

In other news, I put Amethyst on vinyl just so I could have it in tangible form and it looks SLICK. Thank you Vinylify! 4747302_148909238323_n.jpg

For my music showcase this week, I'm doing something a little different. A musician that I follow on youtube created his own series that analyzes music in video games. You should check it out it's REALLY REALLY good!

Check it out here:

Well, that's about it! Hope you all have a great week! 


Posted by TeraVex - February 28th, 2017

Hello! Sorry for being a day late!

I've been super busy with school stuff but my break is almost here so it's all good! 

I've been doing some music stuff, like the collab I did with @ScottFree777 which you can find here:

I've also been cleaning up my computer, which is where I found this old loop from over a year ago:

Sold my Wii U so I could get a switch a launch, I'm pretty excited! Going to a midnight release party and I'm pretty stoked! I've been working on learning new DAWs, right now I'm trying to learn Logic in depth, next will be reason and then finally Protools. I get certified for Protools at my school so I'll be waiting to go deep into Protools and I'll start when I begin classes. Classes have been... good. Hectic but good. Being a music student is rather tough, but it'll be worth it in the end. 

Anyway, how are you all doing? I'm doing quite well, after a rough few weeks I've gotten better and now I think I'm back into the stride of things. The weather is super nice so I'm feeling the good feelings about that, and I just finished doing a good ol jog before I started writing this! Before I end this post I wanna get in my weekly spotlight. 

Here's a meme:

Good night everyone!


Posted by TeraVex - February 15th, 2017


These are back again and there's been some changes! The most obvious one is that these are now on Wednesdays.

So how are you all? I'm... alright I guess. A lot of shit has happened, my girlfriend left me, school's getting hard af and my family is being a pain but I have done enough moping and the new song that I will be releasing next Friday is a collaboration between me and one of my friends from school. This doesn't seem too important but we got to use the school's recording studio ourselves and it's my first song not using FL Studio, so we'll see how good it goes. I wish he had a link to plug for him but he doesn't have social media so.... yeh. We spent the last 6 months working on this and I am VERY happy on how it came out. It's also my first dive into more hip-hoppy rap stuff. You know what they say, if you wanna do something, jump in head first. Stay tuned ;)

Anyways, I released some stuff this week and you can find them here:



For this week's showcase I have this song that is really great. Actually, @Larrynachos shared it on Soundcloud. 

Trust Issues:


That's about it! See you all next week!

Posted by TeraVex - February 13th, 2017


A bit snowy today, I got a decent shot of my campus.

Blog post this Thursday!


Posted by TeraVex - February 7th, 2017

Hiya! Sorry about that nonsense.

I've decided after quite a bit of thinking that I was acting like little bitch, and I'm not having any of that.

That being said, there are some things I still agree with. 

 I still think my (older) music is below average, nothing special. If you enjoy it, I thank you, but I think it's not good. That being said, I feel that haven't been looking into the future and what I could accomplish as an artist. I just gotta work harder but I need the help of some very important people: you guys. You guys are fucking AWESOME, you give me the power to do what I love. Anyway, I plan to do a few things to try to get more people involved with my music. I don't really know how to start, but are there any places I could start? Maybe the forums?.. I'm not sure but what do you guys think? I plan to be a little more positive, I think life was just being a pain in the ass and I took it out on myself and that's not what I want to do. Anyway, I have some fun stuff to talk about:

I've been doing the music stuff and I have some stuff on the way. It's not done yet but it'sa comin! Also, I'm doing a giveaway for new years, I'm giving away $50 in a gaming gift card of your choice. More info below:

 But yeah, that's about it. I'll see you all soon.


Posted by TeraVex - February 2nd, 2017


Things have not been going well for me. 

I think I will be taking a break.

I'm sorry.

I hope you understand.

Posted by TeraVex - January 26th, 2017

Hello! I will now always start these with a greating! So, I almost forgot it was Thursday. School has got me swamped and I completely forgot what day it was heheh.Anyway, school is good and I've been toying around with my sound and I've decided I want to go towards more of a jazz dance sound, I mean more dense and jazzesque chords in a dance/techno like genre. My first test with this was with Super Ultra Rocket Ride and feedback from what I can tell was very positive. It reach a number of plays and downloads like that of my older stuff so I think I'll continue on that route. If you're interested in listening and/or downloading you can visit my bandcamp page here: 


<a href="http://teravex.bandcamp.com/album/super-ultra-rocket-ride-single">Super Ultra Rocket Ride - Single by TeraVex</a>

As for MORE good news, the song was featured in the visual novel Blue Lights #1 by @JackAstral which you can find here:


I gave it a look myself and found to really enjoy it and on anticipating Episode 2!

I'll be doing a giveaway soon, more info on that at a later date but for updates and other stuff you can follow me on the social media or whatnot

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeraVexMUSIC/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeraVex

Yeah, thats about it. 

How are you all doing? I hope you are all doing well!! Keep being awesome!
