Hello! Sorry for being a day late!
I've been super busy with school stuff but my break is almost here so it's all good!
I've been doing some music stuff, like the collab I did with @ScottFree777 which you can find here:
I've also been cleaning up my computer, which is where I found this old loop from over a year ago:
Sold my Wii U so I could get a switch a launch, I'm pretty excited! Going to a midnight release party and I'm pretty stoked! I've been working on learning new DAWs, right now I'm trying to learn Logic in depth, next will be reason and then finally Protools. I get certified for Protools at my school so I'll be waiting to go deep into Protools and I'll start when I begin classes. Classes have been... good. Hectic but good. Being a music student is rather tough, but it'll be worth it in the end.
Anyway, how are you all doing? I'm doing quite well, after a rough few weeks I've gotten better and now I think I'm back into the stride of things. The weather is super nice so I'm feeling the good feelings about that, and I just finished doing a good ol jog before I started writing this! Before I end this post I wanna get in my weekly spotlight.
Here's a meme:
Good night everyone!
I can't bring myself to give up my consoles. I am interested in the Switch, especially for Super Mario Odyssey and Steamworld Dig 2, but neither will be available for a good long while, and I've never been given a good reason to ever buy something at launch. Still, I hope you get a lot of joy out of the system, and not a lot of issues. Good luck in your studies.
Yeah, I'd recommend waiting as well due to all the problems others are having at launch, I haven't run into any of these issues but it's good to wait just in case ya know? Hope all is going well!