music guy
frog man

Just some dude on the internet @TeraVex

Age 26, Male

Joined on 8/13/13

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Latest News


Good afternoon to everyone who can see this post in particular. It's been a minute since I made a little update post like this (a whole ass year actually). Let's chat about the past year (and beyond).

There's too much to talk about but let's start off with the most obvious... I've had the wonderful opportunity to work on the Friday Night Funkin' Soundtrack! You're able to hear the fruits of my (and many other insanely talented music pals) labor in the newest playable Pico update! If you want to hear what I've worked on, DadBattle (Pico Mix) is up for you to listen on Newgrounds here:

In more big game news, I've also been invited to work on the soundtrack for Croak Crusader which has been my personal favorite OST I've worked on this year. You should go play the demo which is available RIGHT NOW here:

Croak Crusader Next Fest Demo

As for general Newgrounds activities I've been doin, I got to work on music for several entries on the Dreamcast Collab. It is huge and if you haven't watched it I highly recommend it:

This was where I got to chat more and get to work with @TeffyD who I highly suggest you follow. He's helped contribute to some tunes that I've cooked up like this 2024 Madness Day Entry where he absolutely shredded:

As for future projects... welllll some I can't talk about just yet so you'll just have to wait! Buuuut I can talk about Gappy's full ass game release which has been a super fun and ambitious 8-bit project. @LeviRamirez has been awesome as always to work with and it's such a fun game to play!! More games on the docket have been stuff with @dungeonation that's been a lot of fun and I've also been cookin some stuff up for a certain cat themed flash inspired project.

There's a bunch more I'm missing but I think that's enough of far in the future stuff I wanna talk about.

A future project that's dropping very soon is The Frog Tunes Volume 1 which is an album of Newgrounds instrumentals from over the years (I'm talkin some old TeraVex stuff and some semi-recent stuff) that's dropping on bandcamp this thursday! (Other streaming platforms shortly after I maaay have forgotten to submit it to distrokid oopsie tee-hee)

Art was done by @pollyanoid and it's sooo good!!


Overall this year has had me run around like a madman - somehow I've managed to keep a dayjob despite traveling for game projects, meetups, networking, and just general freelance sound engineering/recording work. I think for next year I'm gonna plan on focusing on what I really enjoy because I really felt myself spreading myself thin this year.

Thank you all again for the amazing support, thank you Tom for the amazing additions to the site and keepin the Newgrounds dream alive.