music guy
frog man

Just some dude on the internet @TeraVex

Age 27, Male

Joined on 8/13/13

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TeraVex's News

Posted by TeraVex - January 8th, 2018

To this day this is the song I'm most poud of, I loved making every second of it. Sadly, I lost the .flp file of it so I'll never be able to revisit the song, but I don't think I need to. If you haven't listened to it I deeply recommend listening to it if you haven't, it'll fill you with joy! 

You can listen to Super Ultra Rocket Ride here:


I've been workin on some new stuff, hopefully it'll be done this month. We'll see! 


Posted by TeraVex - January 1st, 2018

Happy New Year! This year's gonna be killer! I gotta feelin!

I had to start the year fresh with somethin new, and a little different and here it is! IT'S A FREEEEE DOWNLOADD

Listen to Doubletake here:


My 2017 was rather bumpy but in the end it was alright! 

How was yours? Lemme know! 


Posted by TeraVex - December 26th, 2017

Hello! What's up? Hope your Christmas is going well! 

Here's the tracklist for the upcoming remastered version of Amethyst!

1. Midnight Drift

2. Skylights

3. California Breeze

4. Amethyst 

5. Umbrella

6. Sly

7. 2D Freak

8. Inside-Out

9. Here

10. B L U S H E D

11. Stuck In California

As you can see, there's more than just Amethyst songs being redone. Not only that, but there's some new stuff as well! If you've bought Amethyst already, you get this for free so don't worry! I'll be sending all who bought it on bandcamp an email with a code to download this version as well. Preorders are up today as well! If you want, you can check it out here:


Well, I'm done (for now), you'll be about to listen to all of the original tracks remastered on bandcamp on 1/10/18, and the full album on the release date. Hope you're all doing well! 


Posted by TeraVex - December 9th, 2017

Hiya! So remember that lil album I released last year? Well I'm making a "patch" of the album that is free for the taking for those who got it already that basically just takes the songs and makes them sound better! Cool right? It will officially release on 1/16/2018, but I will be posting a new redone version of each song on the album each week starting... now! You can listen to the redone of Midnight Drift here: 


Starting this point foreward I will not be relasing music until it is 100% finished (that means 100% mixed, EQed, mastered) so posting will sadly slow to a crawl but the quality of said music should, in theory, but of higher quality. That being said, I will be streaming myself do all of this work on twitch starting on 12/25, so that'll be fun! You can find my twitch page here: 


As for spotify and itunes and such, the metadata of the album will be updated on those platforms ASAP but I'm not sure when that will be confidently. As for the other copies on here, I'll keep them up for comparison's sake. 
Hope y'all are doing well! I can say confidently that this isn't just a thing that I'm doing because I feel like it, I'm working on a followup EP to Amethyst that contains songs that are similar to that sound so stay tuned on news about that. I'm finishing this rework up first so both are that of higher quality. 




Posted by TeraVex - December 8th, 2017


I'm still a thing! 

Just wanted to post that I'll be uploading some reworked versions of old songs, I finally learned how to mix and eq and going back to even stuff from last year makes me cringe because the songs sound like shit. The compositions themselves were fine, it's just I sucked at mixing and eqing so I'm going to give them the sound they truely deserve. 

Stay tuned ;)

Posted by TeraVex - September 30th, 2017




I'll be postin some stuff soon as I've been working on some stuff. It may take some time though.

I did post a remastered version of Gawd Fonk, as I've been tinkering with that more and more. I think I'm finally done

with the song. (Hopefully)

Enjoy it and I will see you in another 3 months! (I'll be posting a Halloween Remix on.. well Halloween its a

Castlevania tune but I'll leave it at that) 

Here's a link to that remaster: 



Posted by TeraVex - July 24th, 2017

More stuff comin soon :)))) 

Posted by TeraVex - May 14th, 2017

I'm alive! 

Here's a post about life and music and all of the things.

So I'm all set with college till August, first year was tight acedemically but mentally and life wise it kinda fuckin blew if I'm being honest. Things are a little better now but my mom is in shambles and I'm helping her through some tough times. The restaurant that I worked at before I went to college is going through some hard times so they cut my hours and so I have to find another job. I'm also looking for local recording opertunities since that's what I want to do the rest of my life.  My cousin has an in on some work for the shows that he performs at so I'll be able to do some live sound work there which is exciting. It may not be a stable job but I'll enjoy it for the experience alone. As for music stuff, I've been getting back into the music writing grove. Not sure what I'm gonna do now after releasing Gawd Fonk. But I'm sure I'll get some ideas over my time off. Traveling usually gives me ideas so maybe I'll do some hiking throughout the summer. In terms of my music on social media and the sorts, I've decided to post on here, Soundcloud and YouTube. I don't really care about the money thing on YouTube anymore, and I believe the exposure is the best for me. I'm going to start using my YouTube account again. If you haven't already, you should subscribe! It's a good ol time. Here's a link:


Hope you all are having a great day, and to get a conversation going I'm gonna ask a question for those who music the musics out there.

If there was a song that you had to rewrite into a different genre, (I.E Techno-Jazz, Rock-Funk etc.) what song would it be and why?

Looks like this is an appropriate length, hope all is well!


Posted by TeraVex - May 12th, 2017


I just finished up my freshman year of college sooo I'll be not dead! 

And to celebrate not being dead I posted a song!


Here ya go! 

More elaborate posts coming soon! 

I pinky promise! 

Posted by TeraVex - April 20th, 2017

Hello! I haven't been writing these! Mostly because I'm busy with end of semester stuff. Your typical college BS and what not. Anyways, I've been studying hard so I haven't really gotten to do much although for those of you who follow me on twitter my social media game has been on point as of recently and I'm pretty happy about it. I've been working on the one track for a bit as a part of my class. It's a lot different from what I have been doing but I like how it's going. It's for a music video I have to do for my final for my Music Tech class. There's a whole bunch of shiiittt I gotta do for it but I'm just making a cool chill video hightlighting parts of Albany with some chill beats in the background. Not sure how the video part is gonna go buttttt yeah. 

How have you guys been doing? What's your musical life or life stuff going? How's it here on Newgrounds? (I apologize for not being active pls don't kill me) 

That's about it! For my music recemmendation this week I'd say go listen to that new Kendrick Lamar album as well as the new Gorillaz stuff. It's good shit.

See you in 10000 years for the next blog post!
