music guy
frog man

Just some dude on the internet @TeraVex

Age 27, Male

Joined on 8/13/13

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9,722 / 9,990
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TeraVex's News

Posted by TeraVex - May 9th, 2022

Hi there!

April was kinda insane for me so I didn't get to really post much! Had a bunch of gigs this month and it almost killed me! Here's what I did post this month as well as a new song from this week!

April 1st - Cloppin' Clyde's Debut + Madness Roulette 2: Electric Boogaloo

On April Fool's Day I planned a little joke single out and got a bunch of pals to do vocals n stuff on it! It came out real nice if I say so myself! You can listen to it here. On top of that, my good pal @Larrynachos decided to pull a little prank on the Madness Roulette community with a surprise "sequel" which you can play here!

April 20th - Voice Acting Debut (Not really but it was fun)

@Luis asked me to say the title for @BoMToons' Flash Forward game, it was really fun! You should play the game it's really good!!

April 23rd - More S.T.D music (BUY IT ON STEAM NOW)

I release more music from @LeviRamirez's S.T.D which is out and you should go play it now!!! Also listen to that tune here!

April 30th - Tom's Birthday Tune

I did a little crusty opera for @droid's birthday tune for @TomFulp! You can go listen to it here!

I'm posting some old stuff to YouTube. If you haven't given it a sub yet, you can here! Although I will let you know that Newgrounds will always have priority!!!

I made another discord, it's mostly for chilling and collabing and posting wips/art/music! You can join here.

Lastly, I release a new song this week! I did a whole bunch of jingles on Twitter and it got me more comfortable with my voice. You can check it out here! I will be doing more of this style in the future, I have a lot of ideas!!

I hope you're all doing well. This month is a lot less crazy for me so I'll be able to post more! On top of that, I've been working on some really neat stuff that I can wait to show you!!





Posted by TeraVex - April 14th, 2022

Hi y'all,

I wanted to make an update post to replace my current news post so people don't think I've rebranded to become a cowboy or something. A lot has happened since my last real news post. I got a new job in the field I actually do stuff in, as well as a bunch of gigs and private commissions — which has been a big reason for my current inactivity. By the end of April I should be available to start doing stuff again on here, I made it a mission to have literally 0 gigs. I've been working on some cool stuff in the background that you should probably see within the coming months. I've also been doing a jingle series on Twitter, it has brought a positive association with my life on other social media platforms, I used to have quite the negative relationship with Twitter especially before I started doing these little jingles and really filtering out all the garbage to only the people I want to interact with and see.

Speaking of stuff I'd like to see link me some of your stuff below, I want to catch up on the stuff I've missed the past 2 months! I'll give ya a little review, I like seeing all the cool stuff on Newgrounds.





Posted by TeraVex - April 1st, 2022

Hello all,

It's taken a lot for me to do this, but I am rebranding and changing the course of my music career forever.

You can now ONLY call me by my new pseudonym Cloppin' Clyde. The rootinest tootinest cowboy around.

Listen to my new single here:


Posted by TeraVex - December 31st, 2021

I feel like the final few months of 2021 went by insanely quick. I started out the year with what I thought were pretty ambitious goals. I wanted to get to 750 fans on here and learn bass, guitar, and sax. Well, I can definitely say that those goals were successfully achieved. Never in all my life did I think I would have been in such an inviting community. I've always felt like I struggled to connect with people, I spend a lot of my time alone due to some personal stuff from my childhood. I've always been too afraid to connect or interact with people. I still feel that way, but Newgrounds has really helped me learn that there are a lot of really nice people out there. I want to reflect on this year and what I believe was the biggest year of growth in my abilities as a composer and as a person. I released over 60 tunes this year on Newgrounds and you don't realize how much you do till you actually look back I guess.

Started off the year with Pixel Day, where I vowed to make sure to write 3 tunes for the occasion. You can listen to them here (my favorite is Chippin' Dancin Desert)

Chippin' Dancin' Desert

Pixel Joy

Curtain Call On The Beach!

on top of that, I did music for my first ever game with Mina Miner: Dig Deep with @Larrynachos and @Icy64.

The same month, I did my 2nd ever game OST with @LeviRamirez's Seven. This was one of my favorite games I did this year.

Later in January I did some music for the Evangelion Collab with the sweet sweet @MisterJames on Guitar. Go listen to him serenade your ear holes.

In March I begun 1 of many collaborations with @ProsciuttoMan, I did the OST for his game T.O.F.U! Look forward to it when it drops!!

In April I did two big projects. The first was Rat Game by @LeviRamirez which was a super fun RPG treat.

And of course, the big ol Pico Day 2021 project the Piconjo OST. This project was a big ol labor of Newgrounds love with contributions from my talented pals @ConnorGrail, @MisterJames, @Larrynachos, @Burn7, @RealMrSnuggles, @Curruff, @SkullPioneer, @Carmet and @Quarl. The real highlight IMO is the arrangement of @Mindchamber's Matrix Regurgitated. Everyone goes ham on that track.

In May, I contributed to the absolutely wonderful VA Collab Part 1.

June was wild because @Prosciuttoman and I were on NGP with @VoicesbyCorey, @PsychoGoldfish, and @RealMrSnuggles. It was a good time, it was also one of the first times I VCed with someone online which was cool. You can't really tell in the recording but I was a nervous wreck in this but I had fun! Love those people.

On top of that, I did the music for the wonderful @Stepford for Piconjo: AFK. Go play it, it's super relaxing.

ALSO on top of that, I released a tune from @LeviRamirez's S.T.D! WISHLIST THE GAME HERE!!

In July, I released what I believe to be one of my best instrumentals (and also my personal favorite) of the year.

Also in July, I did music for @Plufmot's game Xin's Commission Campaign. One of the best experiences of ya life. Go play it!

Also ALSO in July, I did a little tidbit for @Luis's NGTV bumper. It's really sweet! It was also the beginnings of our friendship. I'm really glad I met Luis, he helped me get through some really rough times this summer and I am forever grateful.

Also ALSO ALSO in July (July was a busy month) I did music for TWO (2) Egg Jam games. Both of which you can play here:

Swimming Leningrad


In August I kinda chilled out a bit from July, but I did another collab for the Evangelion Collab with @MisterJames because he's epic.

September I focused on Madness Stuff. I did music for an epic unreleased game by @SlickRamen

and of course, the one you probably know me for. I did music for Madness Roulette which got pretty popular. Can't wait to show you the new tunes for it!

Finally, the past 2 months I've been working on 3 FNF mods as their music person. I'm always one for trying out new things and I think I learned a lot doing them. On top of that I've been working on my personal music as well as some super cool and epic projects that I want to talk about but won't until the time is right! So you're gonna have to wait and see for that.

For 2022 you can expect some neat stuff from me. I think I'm gonna try to participate in Jamuary as well as Pixel Day. We'll see. I've been really busy with work! Thank you all for the incredible 2021, I am incredibly grateful for all of the new people I have met and worked with and the support you have given me. I seriously cannot believe it.

Let's make 2022 really special <3

Happy New Year!!


P.S Shoutout's to @TomFulp you're epic btw



Posted by TeraVex - September 12th, 2021

Hey. Realized I haven't made a news post in almost 2 months. I've been insanely busy with a job I really shouldn't have taken along with a HUGE increase of music gigs outside of this here website. Because of that I haven't really been able to do much on Newgrounds since the end of the Egg Jam (in which I had the pleasure doin 2 OSTs for it more info later).

Well now I'm quitting that dang CSR job in October. My music gigs are more than enough to keep me goin which means I can finally get back to this wonderful place. I have a bunch of really cool projects in the works and I'll highlight some stuff I've been working on. Then I'll probably go back into my little music factory where I pump my tunes out for a bit.

Here's some stuff I did in July/August:

Made music for these Egg Jam games:

Eggtopia: Critter Collector (newgrounds.com)

Swimming Leningrad (newgrounds.com)

did a sweet collab with the lovely @MisterJames in which I shred a little on horn (PLEASE LET ME PLEASE TRUMPET ON YOUR STUFF/PROJECT THX) you can listen to that here:

A Step Into Terror (newgrounds.com)

and finally I released a teaser track to 1 of 2 FNF mods that I am doing. It's gonna have a bunch of 80s/90s inspired rock genres:

Sour (Sister Takedown OST) (newgrounds.com)

and that's it. What's next? Well, I've got two Madness Day OSTs I'm working on for @SlickRamen and @Larrynachos and they'll both be sick. Madness Day in general is looking to be really dope this year and I am really looking forward to it. After that I've got a couple collabs comin up with some really cool people that you definitely will like. Annnnd I started work on some music for @Stepford's new big Project "Skate and Die" with a huge team of insanely cool and talented people!

I'm sure there is more that I am missing but yeah I'll talk about it later or somethin.

See yaaaaa




Posted by TeraVex - July 16th, 2021

Sup. A couple of things have happened since the last post I made so I thought I'd make a post.

So I released two tunes in the past ten days (both for some games) you can give em a listen here:

A funky fresh tune for a platformer:

Walkin' (newgrounds.com)

and a chill vibe for my pal @plufmot's game:

Buffet (newgrounds.com)

here's an alt version too:

Buffet (Motorcycle Version) (newgrounds.com)

On top of that I also did some music for some cool projects that released recently. I'll do a lightning round.

I screamed a bit for @ProsciuttoMan's Jerk Off Man video, you can give it a watch here:

Piconjo: Return of JerkoffMan (newgrounds.com)

I did a little music (that you can hear above) for my pal Plufmot. The game it's in is suuper fun. Go play it!

Xin's Commission Campaign (newgrounds.com)

and finally I did a little bumper tune for @Luis which you can watch here:

Going Back to Cali [Newgrounds TV Bumper]

That's about all I've got for this week! Although I'll let you in on what some future projects are. I'm doin some music for a game for this month's Game Jam about eggs and let's just say you're going to have an EGGCELLENT time listening to these tunes. On top of that I somehow managed to get myself into 3 FNF mods so expect to hear some of those! 2 are with my pals and this 3rd are with random people that I don't even know! Crazy what life throws at ya.

I wanna give a shoutout to @BonumShxt for making this SICK pfp. Go follow them!!!!!!!


Anyways, that's all from me fellas. I hope you're all doin well. Lemme know what y'all are workin on I like checkin your stuff out.




Posted by TeraVex - July 2nd, 2021





Posted by TeraVex - June 18th, 2021

Hiiii I was not ready for this to happen but uhhh just hit 1000 fans a couple days ago.

I really appreciate y'all and this community immensely, you are all a big reason as to why I still keep pushing forward with this music stuff. You push me to improve and do better as a creator. I love working with all you cool people and I hope to continue doin it for a looooong time. Newgrounds has been a really important part of my life and I'm really happy to finally be active after getting out of school last year. I seriously don't know what else I'd be doing in my life if I didn't sign up for my lil account back in 2013.

I've got some cool stuff in the works, some collabs with some really dope people and some other stuff that is a mod related to a game you may or may not have heard of.

I'm really bad at expressing in words how dope you all are. But remember, you are cool and epic.

Thank you <3




Posted by TeraVex - June 7th, 2021


Wanted to make a small post about some cool stuff that's happening this month along with some other announcements. Firstly, I got the Piconjo: Teh 6aym (Full OST) (newgrounds.com) printed onto CD. There's like 90 being made so be sure to reserve yours if you want. You can here: Piconjo: Teh 6aym OST | TeraVex (bandcamp.com). Secondly, I'd like to say that my AIM piece will most likely not get posted by the deadline due to some personal stuff that's been taking up a lot of time. I'll still do the piece but I don't want to rush it and release a tune that isn't up to my standards. Thiiirrdly, I've got a cool lil tune in a cool lil game by @Stepford that is coming out on Wednesday so I hope you look forward to playing it. I know I am! Got a couple of jazzin' tunes coming out within the next two weeks that are mini-collaborations with @ConnorGrail and @MisterJames. Be sure to look out for those, they will be pretty sweet. That's about all I've got. For those with commissions, I thank you for your patience. Again if you sent me prompts they'll be done before the end of the month! Update on the bank situation is they are still investigating. I was told 10 days would be the estimate of when I would know but they have yet to tell me anything.

That's all I got, enjoy this picture I found on the internet.





Posted by TeraVex - May 30th, 2021

Hi pals, just wanted to make an update regarding the debit card situation as well as the stuff that I'm doin for the summer! Firstly, I'd like to report that the bank is currently investigating the fraud on my card, I have yet to get any response from them and probably won't until later this week. I would like to say that I am so incredibly grateful to have the community's support in this unexpected time of hardship. You all made it so much more easier to manage and to everyone that reached out, donated or shared the post I would like to give you my deepest and more sincere thanks. <3

Emergency Commissions will be done and sent to those who have given me information by 6/30 at the latest. There is a very high chance I get the tunes to those who got them before that date. I chose that date because I actually ended up getting a ton, so I'll be a bit busy doin some commissions! At this point I will be closing commissions so I can focus on them and my other projects. If all goes to plan, I should be opening commissions again in July! I've got some more projects in the works so lemme talk about those for a bit.

For upcoming projects, I have a few fun collaborations in the works. Currently workin on tunes with cool peeps like @Vurbank, @RealMrSnuggles, @MisterJames, and @ConnorGrail. You'll probably hear these by this summer, if you want to collab on a track or two, lemme know I love workin with new peeps! As for other collaborations, I'm workin with @Stepford on their Piconjo day project and am makin a vibin tune for it! Expect that on 6/9, I'm excited to play the game! As for solo endeavors, I'm workin on a super cool city pop tune for AIM, hopefully I can get it done by the deadline, I've been charting all the horns and stuff for it which has been taking a bunch of my time. We'll see! I've also been scheming up a Newgrounds Trading Card Game that would be a fun lil game to play on here full of NG characters and references galore. I'll be makin more updates on that as work on that progresses!

Here's some cool news that happened this week, Malum et Musa Sapientum Fixa (feat. Burn7) (Piconjo OST) (newgrounds.com) placed 3rd in the Pico Day music contest! I wasn't expecting that, so I'd like to thank peeps like @Burn7 for making that track shine in ways I couldn't even imagine! On top of that, the first part of the Newgrounds Voice Acting Collab released today! Go give it a listen, there's so much talent in that collab it's amazing! A tune of mine was used in it and in the second part I'll be making a tune unique to the collab! Go give it a listen:

The Newgrounds Voice Acting Collaboration 2021, Part 1

That's all I've got for ya! I hope you're all doin well!

