Wanted to make a small post about some cool stuff that's happening this month along with some other announcements. Firstly, I got the Piconjo: Teh 6aym (Full OST) ( printed onto CD. There's like 90 being made so be sure to reserve yours if you want. You can here: Piconjo: Teh 6aym OST | TeraVex ( Secondly, I'd like to say that my AIM piece will most likely not get posted by the deadline due to some personal stuff that's been taking up a lot of time. I'll still do the piece but I don't want to rush it and release a tune that isn't up to my standards. Thiiirrdly, I've got a cool lil tune in a cool lil game by @Stepford that is coming out on Wednesday so I hope you look forward to playing it. I know I am! Got a couple of jazzin' tunes coming out within the next two weeks that are mini-collaborations with @ConnorGrail and @MisterJames. Be sure to look out for those, they will be pretty sweet. That's about all I've got. For those with commissions, I thank you for your patience. Again if you sent me prompts they'll be done before the end of the month! Update on the bank situation is they are still investigating. I was told 10 days would be the estimate of when I would know but they have yet to tell me anything.
That's all I got, enjoy this picture I found on the internet.
very cool sonic picture thank you