So I'm just creatin some musicz for the EP as usual, and I might as well tell you some things.
1. Instead of 5 songs, there will be 6 original songs, and I'm hoping for at least 4 remixes of those songs.
2. 2 songs I am working on right now, both are House songs. One is called Illusions, and the other is Make Music Not War.
3. I plan to do a collab for one of the songs. If you are interested, PM me and I can see what I can offer.
4. On an unrelated note, I bought Goat Simulator a few days ago. It should definately win GOATY.
On that note, I shall say:
Have a nice day!
TeraVex Out!
I also have recently (as in like 5 minutes ago as of this edit) made a Tumblr.
If you could go follow that I would be very happy!
I made a twitch account so I can stream games or me working on my projects and such.
Make Music Not War is 80% done, so expect it sometime soon.
Twitch Account:
Goat Sim is better than any game out there, and if anyone tells you otherwise they are a liar and a thief
Yeah it's pretty freakin fun if you want my thoughts.