Happy Holidays! Hope you all had a great and safe New Years, mine was spent laughing at Mariah Carey's unprofessional performance at the ball drop. Not too exciting if you ask me although 2017 is starting off rather well for me as I've started another new creation: "Refresh" is the song title, and you can hear the intro here:
(Since I don't know how to embed Newgrounds content, this is the best I can do.)
More good news, my album Amethyst is now on iTunes, Google Play and Spotify! Listen to your hearts content and if you like what you hear, don't be afraid to show your support!(except you should buy it on bandcamp because that's the cheapest way.) They were delivered yesterday, so they may not be 100% processed on every platform so there may be some glitches viewing/playing the songs.
As for fan song submissions, I'm an idiot and didn't post the email to send them last week, so I didn't get anything... Whoops.
If you want to be showcased in future blog posts send YOUR music to: TeraVex@gmail.com